*the image from the movie "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof"*I think the
epoch of links started in our blog))
Some useful (I hope so) links for those of us who delve into the T.W. plays
"The Glass Menagerie": http://www.gradesaver.com/classicnotes/titles/menagerie/summ1.html (full summary, characters, some analysis + quizes)
"The Streetcar Named Desire":
http://www.gradesaver.com/classicnotes/titles/desire/about.html (full summary, characters, some analysis + quizes)
http://www.gatewayno.com/culture/TWilliams.html - a link with not much info, but not bad bibliography
As we (most of us) have no original texts of any of the plays, so this link -
http://www.propokupki.ru/knigi_na_inostrannykh_yazykakh/sdef/srchTennessee%20Williams/csП/ - could help us with the on-line purchasing of T.W. books (in English)
There were three
movies shot in 1950, 1973 and 1987 based on
"The Glass Menagerie"
(1950 - with Kirk Douglas and Jane Wyman; 1973 (TV adaptation) - won 4 Emmies, Katharine Hepburn starring Amanda Wingfield; 1987 - was nominated for a Golden Globe and Golden Palm in Cannes, but didn't win; John Malkovich starring Tom Wingfield)
a film
"Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" (shot thrice again: in 1958, starring Elizabeth Taylor as Maggie The Cat and Paul Newman as Brick Pollitt, has 6 Oscar nominations; in 1976 with Laurence Olivier, Nataly Wood, Robert Wagner; and in 1985 with Tommy Lee Jones and Jessica Lange, won 1 Emmy)
"The Night of the Iguana" movie (shot in 1964 starring Richard Burton and Ava Gardner; won 1 Oscar and San Sebastian)
If someone needs some movies -
inform me and I'll download which you want
*the pic from wikipedia.org*